Throughout my Entertainment Business Masters of Science degree program at Full Sail University I had to come up with a new business concept and wrap all my learnings into a final Business Plan (BP) for that start-up company. The new nighttime venue I created is a live performance competition based nightclub that I call Battle Bar. This new drinking establishment would have a fun, creative atmosphere with local indie performers up on stage every night battling it out to win the audience vote (and 10% of that evening’s cover charge).
Battle Bar wasn’t the original idea I had for my BP project however. I knew from the beginning I wanted to create a new venue in the Orlando, Florida area for local artists to perform and I kept thinking of open mic nights at coffee houses and originally came up with what I called “Orlando Indie Lounge.” Orlando Indie Lounge was going to be a coffee house/bar that could provide live entertainment to an older coffee-loving crowd earlier in the day, as well as cater to a younger alcohol-consuming, party-going crowd later at night. BP expert, Tim Berry, would probably have said the Orlando Indie Lounge concept was too complex (Berry, n.d.). And along the same lines, Jeff and Rich Sloan would have probably told me that I would need to more clearly spell out my business idea (Sloan & Sloan, n.d.). I’m glad I took away the coffee concept and can now focus all my efforts on reaching a more specific bar-going target market for Battle Bar.
The Sloan brothers also helped me to refine my Battle Bar BP by pointing out how important it is have my financials sorted out and to “know the type of capital, how much [I] need and when [I] need it” (Sloan & Sloan, n.d.). By focusing my sales on just cover charge and alcoholic beverages (and not also coffee), it was easier to put together my financial estimates for monthly sales, figure out when I can expect to break even and start earning a profit, and learn how much money I will need to start-up.
Another important learning I’ve taken away from Mr. Berry about developing a good BP is to make sure it is complete and includes all necessary components (Berry, n.d.). Of all the pieces that make up a good BP whole, I plan to put the most time and effort into my Executive Summary, Management and Organization, and Financial sections. According to Rhonda Abrams (1991), author of Successful Business Plan Secrets and Strategies, “the Executive Summary is crucial” (p. 53). If an investor reading my BP isn’t intrigued by this opening summary of my company idea, then they will not want to read on to find out further details about my business and I can kiss their investment goodbye. Being a start-up company, the Management and Organization section of my Battle Bar BP is also very important, because the investor will want to know all about who is leading the company, how many people are onboard and all of their qualifications. If the investor doesn’t feel confident the company has a strong team to support it they won’t want to invest. Lastly investors care a lot about the Financials. I want to impress them with my allocation of start-up funds and realistic sales figure projections that will show how my business will be profitable, and how making an investment in my company is worth the investor’s time and money.
Hopefully reading about this thought process behind my first BP will help you to further develop a great music industry BP of your own! Best of luck and happy planning!
Abrams, R. (1991). Executive Summary. In Successful business plan secrets and strategies (5th ed.) (pp. 53-65). Palo Alto, CA: The Planning Shop.
Berry, T. (n.d.). What makes a good plan?. Bplans. Retrieved September 4, 2011, from, J., & Sloan, R. (n.d.). 3 key components of a business plan. StartupNation. Retrieved September 4, 2011, from
[business plan]. Retrieved September 25, 2011, from
[open mic]. Retrieved September 25. 2011, from