Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to Protect the Singing Voice

Just like musicians have to take care to properly clean, store and transport their drum sets, guitars, pianos, etc., singers have to take care of their #1 instrument as well - their vocal chords. Inexperienced singers may think they have it easy because they don't have to pay for their equipment and don't have to worry about carefully lugging extra weight around. Although the lack of a detached instrumental component may be true, the reality is that singers should take just as much time with, and pay just as much attention to, their internal vocal instrument, if they want it to last and provide them with a successful music career.

In no particular order (because all are important), here are some tips to keep those valuable vocal chords healthy and happy:

1. DO NOT SMOKE - Cigarette smoke burns and dries out the vocal chords (Memel, 2010).

2. WARM UP - Just like a runner should do stretches to warm up their leg muscles before hitting the track, singers should warm up their vocal muscles before attempting to belt out tunes in order to avoid injury. Check out the below YouTube video where celebrity vocal coach Brett Manning gives some great warm up advice the average singer may not be familiar with:

3. WATCH POSTURE AND AVOID STRAINING - Standing up straight and keeping the head high not only looks better and portrays confidence when singing, but it also helps to not "constrict the throat, reduce airflow and cause unnecessary tension and strain on the voice" ("Let Your Voice Be Heard," 2010). Be sure to keep the "face and neck relaxed" as well (Braniac, n.d.), to avoid any kind of injury to those important muscles that control the vocal chords.

4. DRINK THE RIGHT BEVERAGES - Eight glasses of room temperature water a day is the best way to keep vocal chords nicely open and hydrated (Braniac, n.d.). Drinking warm tea is also a great way to sooth the vocal chords after long singing sessions. Just make sure that tea is decaffeinated, since caffeinated beverages, as well as alcohol, cause dehydration that singers need to avoid ("Let Your Voice Be Heard," 2010). Excessive milk and other dairy item consumption should also be avoided (especially before a big performance) because this can clog up the vocal airway by building up excess mucus in one's system.

5. GET ENOUGH REST - In addition to getting plenty of sleep so the brain isn't over tired for the mental task of singing, it's important to rest the voice in between singing gigs. As vocal coach Steven Memel says, "Quit yelling!!!" (2010). Constantly "yelling, screaming or cheering," such as at a sporting event or a loud night club can really cause strain on the voice, if not cause one to lose it for a short period of time altogether. When having to talk, try to keep it at a normal pitch (not too high or low) and at a normal decibel level (not too loud or whispery soft) ("Let Your Voice Be Heard," 2010).

6. DON'T CLEAR THE THROAT - Since clearing the throat is "the equivalent of slamming the vocal chords together" ("Let Your Voice Be Heard," 2010), it's better to just take a sip of water and swallow to get rid of any extra build up.

References -
Braniac. (n.d.) How to protect your vocal chords. eHow. Retrieved August 7, 2011, from
Let Your Voice Be Heard. (2010, November). Let your voice be heard: Tips to protect your vocal chords. National Jewish Health. Retrieved August 7, 2011, from
Memel, S. (2010, August 23). How to protect your vocal chords and keep them healthy for decades. Retrieved August 7, 2011, from
[glass of water]. Retrieved August 7, 2011, from
[singing]. Retrieved August 7, 2011, from

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